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My short-term goals are to get more involved with student activist and affinity groups on campus such as the re-emerging Swatties for Immigrant Rights activist group. This upcoming summer, I plan to volunteer as an English camp counselor at Project Esperanza: a non profit organization based in the Dominican Republic. I will be translating health videos in Haitian-Creole and helping to equip Haitian youth with critical English speaking skills as they navigate being the largest and most discriminated against minority population in this country. 

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My long-term goal is to ​have a successful undergraduate experience in terms of academics and relevant extracurriculars to prepare for a future in human rights advocacy.  I hope to continue the anti-racist work I have begun in my IEF fellowship and find various internships and opportunities for training in similar fields. 

Photo Credit: Project Esperanza

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My lifelong goals center upon human rights. I hope to become an international human rights lawyer in order to advocate for marginalized identities globally. Following that, I plan to aid in the development of a new generation of change-makers as a sociology professor. 

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